Tak for bestillingen. Jeres bestilling er bekræftet af Det Gamle Pakhus. I løbet af kort tid vil der blive sendt en e-mail, hvis I har tastet en korrekt e-mail adresse.
Kommer I med børn under 10 år om aftenen, er det vigtigt, at I læser afsnittet om børn i den email vi sender til jer, da vi normalt ikke modtager børn under 10 år om aftenen. Se mere her!
Hvis I ikke modtager en e-mail fra os i løbet af kort tid, så prøv at se i jeres spamfilter.
Hunde kan desværre ikke medtages i restauranten, hverken inde eller ude.
Bliver I nødt til at annullere jeres bestilling, er det meget vigtigt, at dette sker senest kl. 17.30 på dagen for jeres reservation, da restauranten ellers er berettiget til at opkræve et no-show gebyr på op til 300,- kr. pr. person
Thank you for your order. Your order has been confirmed by Det Gamle Pakhus. In a short time, an e-mail will be sent if you have entered a correct e-mail address.
If you are coming with children under the age of 10 in the evening, it is important that you read the section on children in the email we send you, as we normally do not receive children under the age of 10 in the evening. See more here!
If you do not receive an e-mail from us within a short time, try checking your spam filter.
Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed in the restaurant, either inside or outside.
If you have to cancel your order, it is very important that this happens no later than 17.30 on the day of your reservation, as the restaurant is otherwise entitled to charge a no-show fee of up to DKK 300 per person